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2 min read
Secrets of Mom's Kitchen
The good news about sharing a kitchen with my mother is that I get to ask her questions. Don't ask me why I never noticed some of these...

2 min read
My Least Favorite Things
I absolutely love feeding people, which is why I love hosting dinner parties and in fact why I became a caterer. But it always leaves me...

2 min read
Sometimes Less is More
My sister has this theory that the foods people tend to rave about (the things that we enjoy the most) have the least number of...

2 min read
My Secret Formula
There's a tradition in Haitian cooking to basically create a homemade rub based on spices that are commonly used. I suppose it makes...

2 min read
Haitian Meatballs: Not Just for Pasta!
When I think about meatballs, I usually associate them with pasta and marinara sauce. However, that's not the only way to serve them. I...

2 min read
Haitian Legumes (Work in Progress)
This week's recipe is still a work in progress. Not that it's bad (I promise never to post anything I wouldn't eat myself), but I'm just...

1 min read
Everything's better with flavor
I've always wished that I could get excited about eating plain veggies. Wouldn't it be great if eating a bag of carrot sticks could...

3 min read
Kitchen Experiments
I was quite proud of myself this week. It's still cold, and I really wanted to make Bouyon (Haitian Beef Stew). I had been looking for a...
2 min read
Baby, it's cold outside
📷 We got a little snow yesterday! My dog Ruby had the chance to experience snow for the first time, and she loved it as much as I do. My...
2 min read
Cheesy Cornbread
📷 Not sure if anyone noticed, but it's been a while since my last post. I had originally planned on creating a post with my Super Bowl...

2 min read
Super Bowl Party
I am a fan of football. I don't get to watch a lot of games, but I keep track of what's going on during the season, and I am always...

2 min read
A Little Bit American
This week's recipe takes a little break from the Haitian recipes so I can give you one of my favorite American dishes: chili. I've been a...

2 min read
Something for Everyone
When I'm cooking, it's true that I am usually making Haitian food. That's not to say I don't like other cuisines or that I only make...
3 min read
The Versitile Fruit
I love plantains. It's a fruit that is in the same family as the banana, but unlike the yellow banana, a plantain can't be eaten raw....

2 min read
Life's not Always a Party
My posts so far have been about dinner parties and the food I tend to serve to my guests. Part of me thinks it would be great if life was...

2 min read
Not Just for Special Occasions
In last week's post, I mentioned that I don't know my wine, and to be fair, I'm not much a connoisseur of alcohol in general. However,...

2 min read
More to Wine than Manischewitz
I have a confession: I don't know much about wine. This was mostly a non-issue for me before moving to Seattle because most of my friends...
3 min read
The Real Haitian Cake
📷 Dessert was a rare thing growing up. I'm not sure if it's just because my mom doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, if it was more that...

2 min read
Enough to Feed an Army
My best friend is in town! In addition to all the fun we’re going to have and sights we’re going to see, it also means an opportunity to...

3 min read
The Importance of a Good Butcher
One of my all-time favorite party foods is Griot (Haitian fried pork). Not only do I love the flavor, but since it was generally only...
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